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Students with Disability Should Not Do Standardized Testing | Opinion

Updated: May 5, 2023

An autistic child learning
Models of Assessment should consider learners with disabilities.

The debate on the effect of standardized testing on the students which special needs are one of the most controversial issues to festered a lot in the education sector in the United States. Standardized testing is the manner of testing where administration and scoring are done in a standardized or consistent manner. The tests are designs in such a manner that the terms of administration, the questions, interpretations and scoring procedures are consistent, scored and administered in a standard and predetermined manner (Reich, 2014). Therefore, this paper will explore why students with disabilities should not be subjected to standardized testing.

It is unreasonable that students with special needs to be treated the same way as students as learner enabled students. This is because standardized testing does not consider the many external factors but only factors performance of one day. This system of evaluation, therefore, does not consider that not all students will perform well in standardized tests and there are factors which contribute to the overall performance of the students. Students with special needs face many challenges and therefore, there could be times of the when they are not at their best. This, therefore, will lead to them posting poor grades which in turn would be used for their promotion to the next level or awarding of certificates("Current Status of Transition Preparation Among Youth With Special Needs in the United States", 2013).

Many of the teachers who facilitate standardized testing teach students only for the purpose of teaching the tests. It therefore, disadvantages students because it only features students who can grasp the baseline of the concepts being taught in class. This approach of learning, which is oriented towards standardized testing would have a detrimental impact on the overall performance of the students with special needs(Verstegen, 2011). In this sense, teachers are under pressure to post good results with their students and therefore are more inclined to abandon teachers with special needs.

People with special needs usually undergo many challenges in life and due to the disabilities, which they have, they are weighed down by it. the pressure to pass the standardized testing, therefore, puts undue stress and pressure to the students and teachers. It worse to students with learner disability because they are prone to failure in the tests, which would lead to level retention and culminate to school drop outs(Verstegen, 2011). What happens to most of the students is that they lose the motivation to learn and the pressure to pass examination aggravates their disability which might make them hate themselves.

In conclusion, students which special needs are disadvantaged by standardized testing. This is because it does not consider the external factors which affect education and times examination and these students are not exposed to the baseline contents which they understand. Due to the challenges they face makes students and failure in the tests increase retention rates that result in dropping out of school. Therefore, students with special needs should not be subjected to standardized testing.


Current Status of Transition Preparation Among Youth With Special Needs in the United States. (2013). PEDIATRICS, 131(6), X8-X8.

Reich, G. (2014). Round and Round We Go: The Origins of Standardized Testing in the United States. Theory & Research In Social Education, 42(3), 440-444.

Verstegen, D. (2011). Public education finance systems in the United States and funding policies for populations with special educational needs. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 19, 21.

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