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personal Reflection; Career Plan

Career choice

Every person in the world today grows up having career prospects with the intention of having a good life and happiness. Career choices are some of the paramount aspects which punctuate a person in the choice of the subjects and contents to learn while in school. This is motivated by intrinsic capabilities which are coupled by the expectations of the society and the family. Therefore, for everyone needs to have effective career assessments and personal evaluations to have a sound career choice. This paper is meant to explore how one can have a self-assessment and have an inventory of the skills and abilities which he should have a better and well-informed career choice. Also, it will feature the goals and career plans, the motivating factors towards my career choice and an elaborate action plan to achieve the choices.

Assessment and inventory results

There are several skills which I believe I have and are key in the determination of the choice of my career and how to affect them in personal life. I have since then narrowed down my skills to administration, delegation, mentoring, motivating and managing professional relationships of the skills which I have found very formidable based on my intrinsic abilities is administering. It is in the context of administration is in the process of running the organization or a business. This is an ability which I feel have nurtured to be a leader of either my own business or being an employee of a certain firm or organization. being an administrator is something I enjoy doing because it involves having the capacity to manage something to achieve a certain objective or goals. Nothing can bring more joy in my life and career by doing something which feels is like a hobby since I have the intrinsic motivation to execute it. based on the psychodynamic theory, people act on the childhood experiences which they had and would dictate their preferences as adults (Jones, 2014).

Being an administrator means that i am a am the leader of people, or i am responsible for the operations of the institution which I am. Therefore, to make work more easy and efficient is to delegate some duties to other people. This is because I love team work, that is a different group within an organization working towards achieving a common goal. There is always some sense in encouraging others to make it in their objectives and fulfil what they aspire to achieve. Being a mentor is one of the issues I prefer to do so that I can encourage others to better themselves and be productive. There is a sense of pride in motivating others in ensuring the success and achievement of the goals and objectives intended (Gewin, 2009). One cannot be a formidable administrator without having a healthy professional relationship with others in the institution. Being a team player, mentoring, and motivating requires one to have a good relationship with others to have an efficient working plan and achieve the intended objectives.

There are several values which one should have in a career one of those values is creativity. We live in a dynamic world and there is always room for improvement. It is in this context that due to competition, one should be creative enough to be over the others. to be creative requires being adventurers, where there is a sense in which creativity involves taking risks because one is not sure of how the new idea or product will be received in the market (Srinivasan, 2011). There should be a driving force is to make an impact by accomplishing the intentions and have achieved the objectives. To achieve this, one should have a good moral standing, to believe in something and abide by it. this involves having the moral compass to do what is right and avoid what would cause evil (Gewin, 2009). Also, since being administrator will involve one working many things as a team and making choices, there is a need to have the flexibility to accommodate the diverse views, opinions, and options to have inclusive and well calculated decisions. Therefore, creativity, competition, being adventurous, having morality, and flexibility are some of the fundamental values which are needed in a career choice.

Goals and career plans

I believe being an administrator is fundamental aspects in life because there are many aspects of the society which needs to execute the affairs and manage the operations of any institution or entity. In this case, I should serve as a mentor to the team of professional who I lead and work with and empower them so that they can be the best in whatever they undertake. I do not believe that being a good administrator would require me to stay in the office all time of work but have a laisses faire attitude in the management of duties. However, I believe that I should engage directly with the personals I am working with and encourage them in their duties to ensure that I have achieved the objectives which are intended. There is a sense in which one should have the best skills and capabilities to model and motivate other workmates and subordinates, and be able to solve problems on their feet. One should engage problems in their totality when it arises and then have a comprehensive work plan to ensure that the whole issue is solved.

I have always wanted to be a master of myself and have the necessary capacity to make decisions which impact on my life alone and others. I believe that I was born to a leader and that I can influence and lead people to achieve a certain objective. This is something which is natural and belongs to all people. My career goals of being independent and not subject to any one’s authority are the ultimate goals of my career. Being my own boss and helping others to achieve their objectives in life in different domains and contexts. Having the right character, doing what is right, abiding by fair completion rules and treating the customers as the employer is perfectly in line with my career goals. In this context, I feel motivated and encouraged in my path towards achieving my career goals and objectives.

In the word of business and working as a team, trust is a common denominator of the success of whatever project or activity is being done. believing in fair competition is imbuing integrity to once self and it is an asset professional practice which can make one be unique and preferred by customers. This also includes being honest in whatever one does and it involves never misrepresenting information, falsifying actions to achieve the desired effect. My professional conduct should not be in a context that the end justifies the means (Srinivasan, 2011). Being trustworthy, being honest, thinking independently but considering others are some of the values which I believe I possess and are in line with my career choice.


There are several principles of motivation which can be fundamental in guiding one to overcome the obstacles which may manifest themselves. One of the key principles of motivation is that motivation is not static, it is dynamic and therefore it evolves with time. It will not stay the same as time goes on and one should adapt to the changing times to wade through the present. Motivation is also fundamental to change, to a determining factor in our lives. This is because, in life, we always discover new things and decide to change to adapt to them (Vnoučková & Klupáková, 2013). however, it is critical to note that before we change, we should be motivated first and feel motivated or else the change we want will be difficult. Therefore, knowing this would make me seek motivation to encourage me to gain the change which I want.

Motivation is influenced by both external and internal factors. In this case, our emotions and thoughts represent our internal factors to motivation and society, culture and family represent the external factors of motivation. Since at most times it’s the internal factors which lead to motivation, we need to note that there are instances when external factors are not in favor with what we want to achieve. Therefore, it calls for awareness, having the necessary ability to figure them out and work with them to achieve a common objective. It is worth noting that motivation can be modified since people have different levels of motivation depending on the contexts of the situation which they are in (Vnoučková & Klupáková, 2013). when obstacles come, motivation can be modified to handle a certain situation which has come along the way. It is therefore paramount that one should bank on motivation to be able to feel motivated to achieve certain objectives in their careers and life.

Action Plan

Having a SMART action plan will make me achieve my career goals. In this case, I should graduate with my bachelor’s degree next year and start a small fast food joint my local town. This will be my stepping stone to propel me towards being a prolific entrepreneur. Having qualified with honors and exemplary managements skills of co-curricular skills will enable me to have a profitable business gaining a profit of more than half of the capital injected into the business. This will ensure that the business will be self-sustaining and not dependent on loans for capital. With the current knowledge of business management and administration, coupled with the experience of my hometown, I believe that I will achieve my goals and my motivation to compete school will enable me to graduate within the recommended time. Having this action plan, I believe that within ten years, and abiding by the business ethics and professionalism, I will be a proud owner and administrator of a chain of fast food joints.


I have faith and bound by the hope that I can make an excellent administrator. I believe I can achieve this if my aspirations and desires, coupled with my skills continue to encourage me to attain those goals. My objective is to be a successful entrepreneur, trusted and preferred by customers and make a name for myself just as the role models who are successful in business. The right aspects of motivation which are both internal and external will enable me to achieve my goals and a formidable action plan will be the guide to meet my obligation of career choice.


Gewin, V. (2009). Transferring Skills into Career Options. Science.

Jones, S. (1973). Self- and interpersonal evaluations: Esteem theories versus consistency theories. Psychological Bulletin, 79(3), 185-199.

Srinivasan, M. (2011). Values for Excellence in Professional Work. Journal Of Human Values, 17(2), 121-128.

Vnoučková, L., & Klupáková, H. (2013). Impact of motivation principles on employee turnover. Ekonomická Revue - Central European Review Of Economic Issues, 16(2), 79-92.


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