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Analysis of Ethical Perspectives in Films Gattaca (1997), Minority Report, & novel Brave New World

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

Analysis of Ethical Perspectives in Films Gattaca (1997), Minority Report, & novel Brave New World

'This paper will explore some of the genres, that is films and novels where authors have delved into creating dystopian communities where humanity has been suppressed by a ruling elite and class systems installed. It will also explore how some of the oppressed rebel against the ruling elite.'

Ethical Theories and Perspectives

One of the issues which bother humans is the fear of the unknown and what the future holds for humanity. This is witnessed in the manner of genres of literature where authors and script writers of films have speculated about the future and what probably the society might spiral down too. One of the issues which has received much acclaim are the genres which deal with the issue of a dystopia society. This is a post humanity setting where the society has been reduced to the oppressed and the ruling elite, of discrimination and subjugation of humanity to scientific lifestyles controlled by machines, computers, and sadists. This paper will explore some of the genres, that is films and novels where authors have delved into creating dystopian communities where humanity has been suppressed by a ruling elite and class systems installed. It will also explore how some of the oppressed rebel against the ruling elite.

Caste system and social class division

In the understanding of how humanity can disintegrate into a dystopian society, one can review the film Gattaca (1997) and the novel Brave New World, where the survival of humanity has been reduced to the dependency on technology in the perpetuation of life and reproduction. There is a sense in which that one can be able to understand that life has been diverted from its natural course and reduced into mere subjugation. The theme of these two works is that there is a notable social class division which is built on caste systems. In the novel Brave New World, one can come to the understanding that since conception to full life, humans are being conditioned and fashioned to fit into the different caste system which has been created by the elite. One thing of critical deduction is that there is a sense in which humans always aspire to have a society where there would be no suppressing of the other person in the society. In the current world in which humans live, there is a reality that one can rise form abject poverty and rise to be a wealthy and a notable figure in the society and vice versa. However, in the novel, one can determine that there are those who would wish to have the people defined by natural cause of nurture and wanting to fit in the caste systems. The same is seen in the film Gattaca where humans have been engineered, and custom-made people reproduced to give them an edge over the natural order. This is in the sense that some of the inabilities of the normal human’s life have been omitted from the genetic makeup of humans. However, the issue of the class systems finds itself in the lives of those people who have been through the natural order. The leading character in the film suffers from job loss and another form of discrimination because of being born in the natural order. He is also bullied by his brother who is an advanced human due to his presumed in the ability to be better and possessing natural inabilities inherent to humanity. In this case, the authors try to amplify how a dystopian society can create caste subsystem and social discrimination. Both Gattaca and Brave New Word all of the society is divided into strict social classes which id done by ability, class and intellect. In this case, there are no groups of people and those which are there are under the control of the government. independent religions and there is a sense in which there is a cult like following especially to the head of state or the ruling elite.

Oppression and rebellion

The other issue which is prominent in the genres and explored by the authors in the Brave New world, 1984, and the Minority Report is on the issue of oppression and rebellion. In the novel 1984 by Orwell, G is an example of how an oppressive society can create rebellions. The whole premise of the novel is based on the rebellion of one of the characters who was fed up by the ruling elites who had suppressed the free thought, expression of individuality and even sex. The society is controlled and monitored through technology. Even though this novel does not involve the creation of a caste system, there is a sense in which the society has resulted to the subjugation of many people to live in abject poverty and an outcast manner. This is in the sense that the individual who is considered the leader of the rebellion against the party (ruling elite), mingles among the rejected of the society where monitoring would not follow them. What the novel amplifies is that there is an inherent ability for humans to rebel against any form of oppression and subjugation. The leading character is overwhelmed by the monitoring and the suppression of free though which is the gravest crime of all. There is a sense in which one can relate to the film of Gattaca where one the issue of rebellion was the ability to succeed and be free from the grasp of ruling class.

Rebellion in this sense is made to be covert, and following a dangerous path which if they are caught, only miracles can save one from sentence to death. Oppression is in a sense done through the limiting of humans against harnessing their potentials. This is in the sense that the in the novel the Brave New World and 1984, humans have been deprived the ability to reach into their inner self and have normal life of self-awareness and individuality. In both texts, the ruling class oppressive operation has created rebellion in that both lead characters rebel by indulging in emotional rebellion. In 1984, the lead character fall in love and enters into an affair with a woman which is criminal and in the Brave New World, the lead character eventually reclaims his here will by indulging in a sexual orgy with other rebels. Oppression is done by withdrawing these factors and making them criminal. What is of essence is that there are those in the society who feel that the society is better with all the inclusivity of the things inherent to human nature. One of the factors is the sense of emotions and free will, which is inherent in human nature. It is therefore understandable the authors agree that it is impossible to have deprived the society of its inherent abilities without drawing or inviting rebellion. This was evident in the novel 1984 and Brave New World where the human sense of free will was suppressed by the ruling elite as a means of making the populace submit to the rulers. Since the normal schemes of adjusting the society to what society was before dystopia, covert tactics are the ones which are used to rebel.

Power and powerlessness

Emotional rebellion cuts across all the films and the novels discussed herein. This is in the sense that many indulge in sexual activity and other affairs in the manner of rebelling againts any form of suppression of emotions. This is something which the Brave New world, 1984 novels, and Gattaca seem to employ as a way of going against the rule of the law of the present day. It is in this aspect that the oppressed take power in their hands by breaking the code of suppressing emotions by indulging in sexual affections. In this case, one can understand that the feeling of powerlessness and looking onto people who wield immense power usually creates a discount to those who are caughton the wrong side of the society. The society is mainly regarded by the influence and power in which one has over the others. The feeling of powerlessness as per the writings of the authors herein show that they are the recipes for the start of the rebellion against the suppression of the people in the society concerned. Therefore, it can be determined that dystopian societies give a sense of powerlessness in that people are faced with a brutal and oppressive government which is organized into massive autocratic institutions such as in 1984, or absolute dictatorship as depicted in Brave New world.


One aspect which seems to be of more importance is the fact that all the authors and the script writers even those who lived in different times agree and foresee a dystopian society where humanity is highly controlled and influenced by technology. This is as witnessed in the film Minority Report where the society heavily relies on technology for security and survival. In this case, crimes are stopped even before they occur and this had the society reduce the society’s crime rate to zero. There is a sense in which this is also heavily featured in the novel 1984 where the ruling elite (the party), use technology to monitor and suppress humans against the normal human nature. Technology depicted here is highly advanced and has suppressed human intelligence and is being used for the benefit or the detriment of the society.

Disruption of relationship

This also witnessed in the novel Brave New World and the film Gattaca where technology is highly used to create super humans or people who can harness nature in optimum performance. One thing of essence is that is as if there an inherent desire by humans to change what nature has given them and make it more adjustable to what the society has construed to be the best abilities and capacity. There is a sense in which relationships in the family and between people have been hindered by power, technology and class divisions. This is witnessed in Gattaca where the lead character has a bad relationship between him and his brother, in the Brave New World, a son and his father have been separated due to the aspect of being a father criminal. Also in the novel 1984, the lead character finds him in a situation where he must give up his love for a woman he adores for the sake of the abiding to the rules of the ruling elite. In this case, there is disruption of relationship for bringing the society into order. One thing common in the films is that the films have this aspect of exploiting a flaw in technology. This is in the sense that in Minority Report and Gattaca, the system is exposed as always having a flaw which can be exploited by others or the aspect of knowing the future of someone and changing it.

In conclusion, the aspect of a situation of a dystopian society having aspects such as the power and powerlessness, oppression and rebellion, and technology have been amplified by the authors and script writers of the novels herein. In this case, one can determine that even though they lived in different time lines, they have a common perspective and view on the aspect of a dystopian society. However, they all show of how a post human age can be and what technology can do when artificial intelligence enters the society.


Huxley, A. (1932). Brave New World. United Kingdom: (Chatto & Windus).

Niccol, A. (1997). Gattaca. United States: Jersey Films.

Orwell, G. (1949). Nineteen Eighty-Four. United Kingdom: Secker & Warburg.

Spielberg, S. (2002). Minority Report. United States: Amblin Entertainment Cruise/Wagner Productions Blue Tulip Productions.


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